WHo? Why?

I wandered into the Schumann PLL years-and-years ago and despite owning and selling two of them , I never really let it go. At some point that turned into collecting PLL effects as a way to focus my pedal collecting in my umm ‘post-punk rock band’ era. This site a reflection of that collection and my dream of being the Kitrae of PLL fuzz devices. This all feels ‘too late’ as the height of PLL infatuation died down when the Schumann was finally reverse engineered in like 2011, but here we are.

Site soft launched 12/29/2024. Currently working generating a page for each item in my collection. Most of the images are placeholders that will be replaced later.

  • Outline Collection (12/29)

  • Outline known units (12/29)

  • Flesh out collection item basic details (12/29)

  • Flesh out known units details (12/29)

  • Video refences added for all pedals. (12/30)

  • Work on a logo (AI placeholder) V1 created, don’t love it but… (1/1)

  • What’s the best method to store and share manuals (for devices that have them).

  • Work on white box photos of actual collection items.

  • Iterate and improve, adding references and videos to each unit.

    • 1st pass - videos to all available units (12/31/24)

  • Custom Demos?

  • Reviews/Thoughts?

Schumann PLL and Drone Attachment