Broughton Audio
Phase Locked Loop
Maker: Broughton Audio
Current Production (12-2024): Yes
Retail: $190
The Phase Locked Loop (PLL) is a fuzz/synth pedal with parallel Multiplier and Divider harmonies. Create thick fuzz tones with complimentary harmonies, or let the PLL go wild with crazy glissandos and dive bombs. This all analog pedal is amazingly fun and probably even useful.
Volume - a master volume control for the output of the pedal
Trigger - biases the gain stage to feel gated or more loose. Min and max settings tend to be more gated. This control varies in how it behaves depending on the waveshape you feed it, meaning, different instruments and even different players will have different results. Experimentation is crucial!
Gain - determines how saturated your signal gets in the Square Wave channel
Loop Track - affects how well the notes are tracked in the Multiplier and Divider signals
Lag Time - controls the rise and fall times of the Multiplier and Divider signals
Response - controls the time it takes to track incoming notes. With a slower response, the rise and fall effect of the Multiplier signal is more dramatic.
Mult - volume of the Multiplier signal
Div - volume of the Divider signal
Square - volume of the Square Wave signal
Start with the trigger at minimum and all other knobs at noon and Volume to taste
If the Multiplier and Divider signals are too gated, turn the trigger knob more towards noon
If you have difficulty triggering the Multiplier and Divider signals, stop playing to reset the loop, then adjust the trigger, then play again
The Looptrack, Lagtime, and Response knobs can be interactive and requires experimentation
Be sure to take pictures of your favorite settings
If you want strictly a fuzz tone, turn down the Mult and Div knobs
For a more "controllable" PLL tone that doesn't run away too much, set Looptrack to max and Lagtime and Response to around noon
Play more stacatto and with muted rests to reset the loop
This pedal requires a 9V DC power supply only (not included). The DC supply should be a standard Boss style connector, center negative polarity. The current draw is approximately 8 mA.
The PLL has a true bypass switch.